I’m a mess

Yes that is right, I am a MESS right now.  My name is Maria, I am a mother of 5 plus our nephew who lives with us.  My husband works full time at a high school, part-time at our gym and is getting his PhD all the while trying to balance being a husband and good dad.  I run our gym while the kids are in school, I am on the board for our local football league, serve in ministry, all the while being a full time mom and a woman trying to be a good wife and mom.

I have been doing it the last year as best as one can do on their own power, which explains why I am a MESS. In Isaiah 40:30-31 it says Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint. 

I am pretty young still so when He talks about youth, I can still relate.  When He says even youth can grow tired and weary, OH YEAH, I can totally relate.  I am TIRED and WEARY and I cannot do this anymore.  I wake up on Mondays and think, “Do I really have 5 more days until the weekend?’ It’s because during the weekend, I forgrt my day of Sabbath and I am not rested nor am I ready for the week come Sunday night. Lacrosse games, Football games, Soccer practice, sports training, birthday parties, church, parties, you name it… “it” keeps me from resting, “it” keeps me from being renewed, “it” has to GO!

So that is where I am today, “it” is going, gone, buh bye!!  I started with Facebook, I deactivated my account today.  I am also making a commitment to journaling on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  Wednesday will be for Bible Study, Saturday I will allow to be filled with “it” stuff and Sunday is going to be my Sabbath.  This is a commitment I am making to myself, my family, my business, but most importantly to my Creator.

I am ready to feel the second part of Isaiah 40:30-31, I want to soar, run and not grow weary and walk and not be faint!

Thanks for coming along on the journey.

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